Rental Terms and Conditions

Event Booking Terms

Thank you for your interest in using Langston Hughes Community Business & Resource Center for your event! We welcome you as a rental customer. To help eliminate misunderstandings and confusion we would like to make you aware of the rental terms and guidelines.

        • Rentals are for a minimum of 6 hour
        • Basic Rental includes designated space, tables, off street parking and chairs onlyDates and times are not booked without a deposit (min 25% deposit required)
        • Final headcount as well as final payment must be made 14 days prior to event
        • Kitchen is not available for use
        • Cancellations due to inclement weather must be rescheduled within 6 months of original date
        • A final headcount must be given at least 48 hours before the scheduled event. after such time an aditional fee will be applied and required to be paid before the event.
        • Contract must be signed at time of booking
        • You are responsible for bringing your own utensils, food, tablecloths, dishes, ice, drinks, etc.
        • No alcohol without permit
        • No fireworks, grills, or fryers
        • Renters must remain until rented area is cleaned